In the provision of our services, we are guided by the following principles:

  • Maintain honesty and openness at all times (they are the precursors to commitment and success)
  • Nothing is impossible (innovation and initiative make things happen)
  • Focus on the basic and maintain simplicity as far as possible
  • Revision and re-engineering must occur with a purpose greater than merely changing for the sake of change itself
  • Every person, irrespective of his or her position in the organisation, has an important role to play (the expertise rests with the people who are actually doing the job and from whom commitment to any project is crucial)
  • Maximum participation and client ownership must be encouraged
  • Channels of communication must be open, with constant feedback being the rule
  • Focus on empowerment and transfer of expertise
  • Ensure that mechanisms are in place to facilitate sustained quality development


We use contemporary total quality management methodologies. Our approach is simple, incorporates the use of state of the art technology and facilitates the formulation of meaningful and relevant objectives and action plans, without bamboozling clients with the all too common approaches that are made to appear complex and entrenched with technical jargon.

As we acknowledge and respect the fact that each organisation is unique, stereotyped methodology packages and solutions can never be entrenched. The approach adopted, in compliance with our identified principles is therefore largely determined by the nature of the organisation or the respective scope of work.


While the Close Corporation’s members are the key resources in the performance of functional work, we do have expert personnel available to assist with projects at hand. When necessary, we co-opt personnel from other organisations, with whom we have established project-specific agreements of association.


Although we are in a position to render services throughout the Republic of South Africa and various African countries, we do require notification at least 5 working days prior to embarking on any project or sub-project, especially where these require preliminary research and preparation.